'Smart Phone'에 해당되는 글 134건

  1. 2011.07.30 Droid Life
Smart Phone2011. 7. 30. 21:07

모토로라에서 출시하는 Droid Life라는 제품입니다. 애플의 아이팟 나노가 생각 나게하는 디자인인데 재미있네요
가격만 저렴하면 한번 사 볼만한 제품같은데 가격이 중요하겠네요.ㅎㅎ

기사 원문
This is the Nano to reinvent the Nano. Motorola is possibly producing an “all-in-one fitness and music personal fitness device”. Try saying that 5 times fast. We’re guessing Moto thinks they can put their own spin on this idea and possibly make it better, even though it looks exactly like the competitions. It does have a couple redeeming qualities though: GPS, for accurate workout stats, wireless sync to PC (and Android devices), and even has an awesome watch band attachment. Err, scratch that.
기사출처 http://www.droid-life.com/2011/07/28/motorola-to-release-an-ipod-nano-wait-thats-not-right/

Posted by Millerjh