Smart Phone2010. 7. 27. 18:22


The following table lists frequencies/voltages that appear to work well together, albeit with very conservative voltages. These are the values available in the app by default (thanks to kabaldan for corrections):

Frequency (KHz) vsel Voltage (V)
550000 56 1.3
600000 62 1.375
800000 68 1.45
1000000 74 1.525
1200000 80 1.6

The maximum vsel I could use was 127. The safe upper limit in the processor specs is 1.8V which translates to vsel 96 (according to wikidroid). Frequencies above 1250000 usually reboot spontaneously.

The community at android-hilfe has made extensive tests to find exactly what range of voltage selections could be used in each frequency. There are variations because not all Milestones are made equal, some can handle higher voltages and frequencies than others. Here is a copy of the table they produced, available here (thanks doc.payce!):

Frequency Stable (>=) Possibly unstable Probably unstable (<=)
550 56
800 58 56 .. 54 52

The maximum vsel I could use was 127. The safe upper limit in the processor specs is 1.8V which translates to vsel 96 (according to wikidroid). Frequencies above 1250000 usually reboot spontaneously.

vsel을 127까지 올려서 사용할 수 있었다. 근데 프로세서 한계는 96(1.8v/'wikidroid'링크에 계산법 나와있습니다.)...  
코어클럭은 1.25ghz 이상에선 종종 리붓된다고...

According to OMAP3430 datasheet, max_vsel up to 66 should be acceptable. Above 80 will certainly severly damage the CPU on long-term scale. The most appropriate and stable settings seem to be either 800 MHz or 1000 MHz at max_vsel of 56 to 60.

omap3430(a8사용) datasheel에 따르면 vsel 66 까지는 허용되고, 80이상은 장기간 사용시 cpu에 심각한 손상을준다
그니까 적당한 오버 폭이 800-1000/56-60 사이라고 보면된다

Posted by Millerjh